[ARCHIVED] PWGSC to Offer Company Security Officer (CSO) Training Sessions in Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Saskatoon, Vancouver and Victoria in 2016
[ARCHIVED November 10, 2016 – This page will no longer be updated. Please see https://blog.theproposalcentre.ca//list-of-primers/ for current information on key Government of Canada and Government of Ontario contract vehicles]
Are you a Company Security Officer (CSO) or Alternate Company Security Officer (ACSO) for an organization that holds a federal security clearance? If yes, and you are interested in developing a better understanding of the Industrial Security Program and your responsibilities in this program, you should attend a Company Security Officer (CSO) Training Session.
PWGSC has provided the following description of the training sessions:
“This one-day course is comprised of a morning session targeted for all organizations registered in the Contract Security Program, followed by an optional afternoon session designed for organizations dealing with subcontracting, Classified-level personnel screening, document safeguarding and international contracting. Hands-on exercises are included to make your training experience more beneficial.
This training is not mandatory and is open to appointed CSOs and ACSOs only.”
The training modules cover:
- Organization clearances
- Personnel screening (Protected level)
- Subcontracting
- Personnel screening (Classified level)
- Safeguarding sensitive information and assets
- Contracting outside of Canada
The following training sessions will be held in 2016:
- English session – May 10, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario
- French session – June 7, 2016, Montreal, Quebec
- English session – June 28, Victoria, British Columbia
- English session – June 30, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia
- English session – September 9, 2016, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- English session – September 20, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario
- French session – September 21, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario
- English session – October 4, 2016,Toronto, Ontario
- English session – October 13, 2016, Saskatoon, Ontario
- French session – October 19, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario
- French session – October 26, 2016, Quebec City
There is no cost to participate.
Registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, send an email to: SSIDSICSensibilisation.ISSCISDOutreach@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca and remember to indicate which session you would like to attend.