Government of Ontario Replaces Task-Based I&IT Services VOR Arrangement
The Government of Ontario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS), has awarded a Vendor of Record (VOR) agreement to Flextrack Inc., effective April 6, 2020, to be the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for Contingent Information Technology (IT) Resources. The agreement with Flextrack Inc. begins October 1, 2020, and will replace the current Task-based I&IT Services Vendor of Record Arrangement (VOR-OSS-00430429), which expires on September 30, 2020. Contract term is for three years, with two optional one-year extensions.
The MSP will be the single channel through which Contingent IT Resources are provided to clients, responsible for sourcing, providing and managing Contingent IT Resources for short-term IT consulting services.
The MSP arrangement, once implemented, will be mandatory for all ministries and agencies covered by the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Procurement Directive. It also will be available to Ontario’s publicly funded non-OPS entities on an optional basis.
All vendors, including vendors on the existing Task-based VOR arrangement, will be required to apply to qualify with the new MSP to become IT Qualified Firms under the new VOR arrangement.
MGCS and the Managed Service Provider are in the process of finalizing the registration process and the qualification requirements. Vendors qualified under the current Task- Based I&IT Services VOR Arrangement (VOR-OSS-00430429) will continue to receive updates, and will be invited to register with the MSP prior to the start of the new arrangement. Updates, including details about the process and how requirements will be evaluated, will be communicated and posted to the Supply Chain Ontario website at
For more information about this process, please refer to the FAQ. Questions or requests for further information can be sent to