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    Primer: Ontario MGCS Management Consulting Services VOR

    The Government of Ontario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) purchases management consulting services through a Vendor of Record (VOR) Arrangement. The VOR is similar to a Supply Arrangement and is used by all Government of Ontario ministries and other entities to procure a range of management consulting services.

    Ontario Management Consulting Services (MCS) Vendor of Record (VOR): Qualify for opportunities to provide Management Consulting Services to the Ontario Public Service [Closed]

    This VOR is mandatory for Ontario Government ministries and for Ontario Public Service (OPS) entities who wish to obtain professional services in the categories listed below. It is optional for Provincially Funded Organizations (which include but are not limited to municipalities, hospitals, and school boards).

    As defined in the Request for Bids (RFB):“Management consulting services offered through the MCS VOR Arrangement may relate to developing and implementing transformation strategies by analysing existing business problems, aligning strategy and priorities to business objectives and developing plans for improvement.”

    The MCS VOR is organized according to the following service categories:

    1. Business Metrics, Performance Management and Process Improvement Services
    2. Business Process Assessment and Integration Services
    3. Organizational Effectiveness Services
    4. Organizational Transformation Services
    5. Procurement Services
    6. Program Management Services
    7. Project Management Services
    8. Strategic Management and Planning Services

    A full listing of all the service categories and roles included in the current MCS VOR can be found in our TPC Overview – Ontario Mgmt Consulting (2019-04).

    To qualify for the MCS VOR you must respond to and comply with the Management Consulting Services VOR RFB.

    Highlights of the Management Consulting Services (MCS) VOR RFB

    This MCS VOR Arrangement, Tender_7434, was established in June 2018. The MCS VOR is currently Closed. It requires all existing vendors to submit a proposal (using an attestation process) and provides an opportunity for new bidders to qualify. During Refresh periods, new vendors can apply to become qualified vendors and existing VOR holders can apply to qualify for additional categories, roles and/or levels.

    Vendors Must Qualify by Role
    The VOR qualifies companies according to roles. To bid on the VOR, you are required to demonstrate experience in each proposed role. As a supplier, you can supply services related to your qualified roles within any of the eight service categories.

    The roles include:

    1. Business Continuity Planning/Disaster Recovery Planning (BCP/DRP) Specialist
    2. Business Risk Management Specialist
    3. Business Transformation/Process Improvement Specialist
    4. Contract Negotiations Support Specialist
    5. General Consultant
    6. Fairness Commissioner
    7. Financial Analyst
    8. Functional Classification Specialist
    9. Organizational Effectiveness Specialist
    10. Organizational Transformation Capacity Consultant
    11. Organizational Transformation Consultant
    12. Procurement Specialist
    13. Project Analyst/Coordinator
    14. Project Manager/Lead
    15. Project Management Advisor/Consultant/Specialist
    16. Research Analyst
    17. Strategic Advisor
    18. Strategic Provincial Entity Review Specialist
    19. Strategic Public Engagement Specialist
    20. Strategic Review and Program Evaluation Specialist

    Key Requirements for New Vendors
    In addition to completing and signing the Form of Offer along with other mandatory requirements, new vendors must provide detailed responses to the following key criteria:

    • Resources Plan: The resources plan must address 10 questions about the vendor’s resource management processes and policies. Answers are rated. To pass, vendors must score a minimum of 60%.
    • Project Profile/References: For each role proposed, vendors must provide two project profiles. The project profiles must demonstrate that the project experience is related to the role proposed. Projects must have been completed between January 1, 2014 and the bid closing date. A project can be used for a maximum of three roles. Detailed information is required about the work performed and the methodologies used. As well, the client reference must review and sign off on the completed forms for each project profile, and then return the forms to the vendor for inclusion in the proposal. (Remember to allow enough time for this to happen.) The project profiles are rated. To pass, vendors must score a minimum of 70%.

    There is no financial component to the evaluation at this time. Financial proposals will form part of the response to Requests for Services (RFS) and be a factor in the evaluation of vendor responses. Management Consulting Services VOR projects are performed on a fixed-price basis.

    Existing Vendors
    Existing Vendors must submit a proposal. If an existing vendor wishes to continue with the categories they have qualified for, an attestation process will allow for these to be carried forward to the new submission without having to provide a technical proposal. If a vendor wishes to qualify for additional roles, a technical submission (two project profiles/references) are required for each new role.

    Additional Information and Support
    We’re here to help! If you have any questions about the Management Consulting Services VOR, doing business with the provincial government, or doing business with any public sector organization, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.  We would be very happy to answer your questions. We have even created a special package to support you with your submission. Contact Us today for more details.

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