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    Primer: Government of Ontario Task-Based Information & Information Technology Services Vendor of Record

    The Government of Ontario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) purchases IT Professional Services through a Vendor of Record (VOR) Arrangement. The VOR is similar to a Supply Arrangement and is used by all Government of Ontario ministries and other entities to procure a range of IT Professional Services.

    Ontario Task-Based Information & Information Technology (TB I&IT) Services Vendor of Record (VOR): Qualify for opportunities to provide IT Professional Services to Ontario ministries and entities (Replacement Scheduled for November 2018)
    [N.B. This primer provides information on the current Task-Based I&IT Services VOR. Based on an RFI released in early 2017, it is clear that there will many changes, including a new name “On-Demand IT Services”. See https://www.doingbusiness.mgs.gov.on.ca/mbs/psb/psb.nsf/VORDetails?OpenForm&Lang=EN&unid=D065105B7C6C2FED8525817E00724F71 for latest information.]

    This VOR is mandatory for Ontario Government ministries and for Ontario Public Service (OPS) entities who wish to obtain professional services in the categories listed below. It is optional for Provincially Funded Organizations (PFOs), formerly referred to as the Broader Public Sector (BPS). PFOs include but are not limited to municipalities, hospitals, and school boards.

    As defined in the RFP, vendors are to provide qualified personnel to complete short-term, task-based I&IT assignments. Each assignment:

    • is related to a particular activity or initiative
    • will address a specific I&IT requirement that typically has a specified set of responsibilities
    • requires one or more resources to complete it
    • has a specific start and end date with a defined set of requirements and deliverables
    • is usually not a large project, although it may be a subset of a larger project
    • may be highly specialized requiring a rare or unique skill or knowledge for a short period of time

    The TB I&IT Services VOR is organized according to the following service categories:

    1. Business Analysis & Planning
    2. Architecture
    3. Solutions Development
    4. Testing & Quality Assurance (QA)
    5. Deployment & Operations
    6. Security
    7. Information Management
    8. Oracle Financials ERP Application Environment
    9. Oracle PeopleSoft HCM/ERP Application Environment

    To qualify for the TB I&IT VOR you must respond to and comply with the Task-based I&IT Services RFP # OSS-00430429-1. When it is available, the solicitation can be found at http://ontario.ca/tenders. It will likely be renamed “On-Demand IT Services”

    Highlights of the Ontario TB I&IT VOR RFP
    The Task-Based I&IT Services VOR is currently closed. This VOR is due to be replaced in November 2018. Due to vendor feedback, MGCS has indicated that many changes will be made to the previous RFI. All information in this post reflects the current VOR terms and requirements.

    The current TB I&IT VOR was established in 2014 and will be in effect until September 30, 2018 (extended to accommodate new renewal schedule).

    Vendors Must Qualify by Service Category
    The VOR qualifies companies according to service categories. To bid on the VOR, you are required to demonstrate experience in each proposed services category. As a supplier, you can supply services related to your qualified service categories in each role associated with those categories. A mapping of roles to services categories is provided in the solicitation documentation. Each role is available in multiple services categories.

    Please see our TPC Overview – Ontario TB IIT VOR (2016-05) for a listing of roles included in the VOR.

    Key Requirements for New Vendors
    In addition to completing and signing the Form of Offer along with other mandatory requirements, new vendors must provide detailed responses to the following key criteria:

    • Resource Plan: The resource plan addresses 10 questions about the vendor’s resource management processes and policies. Answers are rated. To pass, vendors must score a minimum of 60%.
    • Project Profile/References: For each role proposed, vendors must provide two project profiles. The project profiles must demonstrate that the project experience is related to the service category proposed. Projects must have been completed between January 1, 2010 and the bid closing date. The same project can only be used only once in the proposal, even if it involved multiple service categories.Detailed information is required about the work performed and the methodologies used. As well, the client reference must review and sign off on the completed forms for each project profile, and then return the forms to the vendor for inclusion in the proposal. (Remember to allow enough time for this to happen.)The project profiles are rated. To pass, vendors must score a minimum of 70%.
    • Rate Bid Form: A Maximum Per Diem rate must be provided for each role and level a vendor wishes to provide under its proposed service categories. To pass, proposed Maximum Per Diem rates must be lower than the calculated threshold which is the average proposed rate across all bidders of the 2014 establishing RFP + 10%. Pricing is evaluated independently by service category, role, and level, resulting in the possibility that vendor may qualify in some, none, or all roles and levels in each category proposed.

    Key Requirement for Existing Vendors
    Existing 2014 TB I&IT VOR vendors are not required to submit a proposal at this time.  Vendors who wish to qualify for additional service categories, roles or levels may submit a proposal comprised of the Form of Offer, the Project Profiles/References, and the Rate Bid Form as described above. Project Profiles/Reference Forms are required only for the additional roles. For the Rate Bid Form, you are not permitted to increase any of your rates, however, you can propose lower rates should you choose.

    2011 TB I&IT Services VOR vendors who have not yet qualified for the 2014 TB I&IT Services VOR may be eligible to use the attestation process.

    Additional Information and Support
    We’re here to help! If you have any questions about the Government of Ontario TB I&IT VOR, doing business with the provincial government, or doing business with any public sector organization, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.  We would be very happy to answer your questions. We have even created a special package to support you with your submission. Contact Us today for more details.

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