[ARCHIVED] Sorting through which Supply Arrangements or Standing Offers are right for you: TSPS, TBIPS, ProServices, THS, Solutions vs. Task
[ARCHIVED August 2, 2016 – This page will no longer be updated. Please see https://blog.theproposalcentre.ca//list-of-primers/ for current information on key Government of Canada and Government of Ontario contract vehicles]
It can be difficult to sort through all the different methods of supply (and their acronyms!) circulating these days. Let me help clear up what’s happening with the major federal government Professional Services methods of supply (TSPS, TBIPS, SBIPS, ProServices, Others):
The Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) “Family”
TSPS is an acronym you have probably heard a lot about if you are in the business of providing professional services. It isn’t one supply arrangement or standing offer, but a family of three:
- TSPS Task-Based Supply Arrangement (E60ZN-13TSPS/B, due: May 28, 2013)
This Supply Arrangement is for non-IT Professional Services (e.g. HR, Business Consulting, Change Management and many more). See our TSPS Primer for more information. Contracts awarded under a supply arrangement typically involve responding to a Request for Proposal and selection is based on a technical/financial evaluation. - TSPS Task-Based Standing Offer (combined with E60ZN-13TSPS/B [above], due: May 28, 2013)
This closely mirrors the above Supply Arrangement. The most significant difference is that financial rates must be proposed at the time of responding to the Request for Standing Offer, and those firm rates will determine your ranking for the duration of the Standing Offer. Contracts are awarded based on a low-cost compliant selection method. - TSPS Solutions-Based Supply Arrangement (E60ZN-13TSSB/B, due: May 28, 2013)
This supply arrangement includes the same streams of service as the Task-Based Supply Arrangement above. It is used when the government is looking for a complete solution from a vendor. While task-based opportunities typically involve the government specifying the resource category and qualifications, and the effort allocated, solution-based opportunities focus on specifying the problem and the government looks to vendors to propose a complete solution.
The Informatics Professional Services (-IPS) “Family”
Similar to non-IT services, there are a three types of methods of supply:
- Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Supply Arrangement (expected in July with a due date at end of September)
This supply Arrangement is for a wide and comprehensive range of IT Professional Services. To qualify, your firm (or joint venture) needs to have billed a minimum of $1.5 Million for IPS-related services over the past 3 years, amongst other requirements. Contracts awarded under a supply arrangement typically involve responding to a Request for Proposal and selection is based on a technical/financial evaluation. - Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Standing Offer (solicitation is combined with the TBIPS SA above)
This closely mirrors the TBIPS Supply Arrangement. The most significant difference is that financial rates must be proposed at the time of responding to the Request for Standing Offer, and those firm rates will determine your ranking for the duration of the Standing Offer. Contracts are awarded based on a low-cost compliant selection method. - Solutions-Based Informatics Professional Services (EN537-05IT01/G, next deadline: June 28, 2013)
This supply arrangement, while the solutions-based companion to TBIPS, is quite different and is based on fairly narrowly defined domains. It is used when the government is looking for a complete solution from a vendor. While task-based opportunities typically involve the government specifying the resource category and qualifications, and the effort allocated, solution-based opportunities focus on specifying the problem and the government looks to vendors to propose a complete solution.
The ProServices Supply Arrangement – An essential holding?
(E60ZT-120001/D, due: June 21, 2013)
This Supply Arrangement is for IT and non-IT professional services and mirrors the streams and categories in the TSPS Task-Based and TBIPS methods of supply. It is used for purchases of professional services under $78,500. See our ProServices SA Primer for more information. If you provide services in any of the streams/categories included in ProServices, this should be part of your portfolio of contract vehicles to hold with the federal government. It is suitable for small and large firms, including independent consultants.
The Temporary Help Services (THS) “Family”
The Temporary Help Services methods of supply are used to obtain temporary help to fill positions in response to an employee absence, during the staffing process, or as a supplement to an existing group in peak times in areas that include professional services (e.g. Finance, Procurement, HR, etc.), technical services, operational services, administrative services and office support. For each stream you pursue you must demonstrate that you have placed at least 20 different named resources in the region to which you are proposing to provide services. The two methods of supply include:
- THS Supply Arrangement (EN578-060502/G, next deadline: June 28, 2013)
Similar to other Supply Arrangements, contracts are generally awarded based on consideration of technical and financial factors. - THS Standing Offer (E60ZN-110002/D, next deadline: June 28, 2013)
Similar to other Standing Offers, contracts are awarded based on low cost compliant. One of the main differences is that pricing can be adjusted on a weekly basis.
Other Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
There are a wide range of other standing offers and supply arrangements available including the Learning Services Standing Offer and Supply Arrangement and the Professional Audit and related Support Services (PASS Supply Arrangement). Multiple methods of supply exist for Communications Services (see Marion Soublière’s Primer on the Communications Services National Procurement Strategy for more information on this area), Event Management, Translation Services and more.
We understand this can be overwhelming to many suppliers and hope the above summary has helped. In the words of Public Works and Government Services in response to a question on the TSPS Task-Based Request for Standing Offer/Request for Supply Arrangement:
TSPS and ProServices are separate solicitations and different methods of supply. The decision to provide a submission to a solicitation is a business decision that is up to each individual supplier. Canada can only recommend that bidders interested in bidding in either or both solicitations must do so prior to the solicitation closing dates and times.
All of these methods of supply differ and it is important to choose wisely. As always we are here to help you navigate the system and select the right ones for you.