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    Health Services Added to Government of Canada Supply Arrangements

    May 1, 2020

    In support of Canada’s response to COVID-19, PWGSC has enhanced three of its supply arrangements for providing professional services to the Government of Canada.

    A Health Services stream has been added to the following two vehicles

    The Health Services stream is identical in both the TSPS Task-Based SA and the ProServices SA, and includes the following categories

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    Primer: PWGSC Learning Services Standing Offer and Supply Arrangement

    April 30, 2020

    The Government of Canada purchases professional services primarily through contract vehicles such as standing offers (SO) and supply arrangements (SA). In some cases, the use of a standing offer or supply arrangement is mandatory.

    Learning Services SO and SA: Qualify for contracts for Design, Development and Delivery of Learning Services [CLOSED]

    The Learning Services SO and SA are the mandatory procurement tools for most purchases of learning services to be provided to locations across Canada. Learning Services includes all aspects of the design, development and delivery of classroom learning, blended learning and eLearning product development. In general, the provision of services involves the development and delivery of government-owned materials.

    The Learning Services Methods of Supply are organized into the following streams:

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    Government of Ontario Replaces Task-Based I&IT Services VOR Arrangement

    April 22, 2020

    The Government of Ontario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS), has awarded a Vendor of Record (VOR) agreement to Flextrack Inc., effective April 6, 2020, to be the Managed Service Provider (MSP) for Contingent Information Technology (IT) Resources. The agreement with Flextrack Inc. begins October 1, 2020, and will replace the current Task-based I&IT Services Vendor of Record Arrangement (VOR-OSS-00430429), which expires on September 30, 2020. Contract term is for three years, with two optional one-year extensions.

    The MSP will be the single channel through which Contingent IT Resources are provided to clients, responsible for sourcing, providing and managing Contingent IT Resources for short-term IT consulting services.

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    Primer: PWGSC Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) SA

    February 18, 2020

    The Government of Canada purchases professional services primarily through contract vehicles such as standing offers and supply arrangements. In some cases, the use of a standing offer or supply arrangement is mandatory.

    Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Supply Arrangement (SA): Qualify for Contracts for IT Professional Services [Open – SA Refresh – Quarterly due dates: last business day of the month in March, June, September and December. Next due date is December 31, 2021.]

    The TBIPS SA is a mandatory contract vehicle related to the provision of IT Professional services.

    Task-based services generally involve the assignment of a resource or group of resources to complete a well-defined set of deliverables/responsibilities on a per diem basis. The tasks involved are finite work assignments with specific start dates, specific end dates and set deliverables.

    TBIPS is organized according to the following streams, each containing multiple categories of resources:

    • Stream 1 Application Services
    • Stream 2 Geomatics Services
    • Stream 3 IM/IT Services
    • Stream 4 Business Management Services
    • Stream 5 Project Management Services
    • Stream 6 Cyber Protection Services
    • Stream 7 Telecommunications Services

    A full listing of all the streams and categories of personnel included in TBIPS can be found in our TPC Overview – PWGSC TBIPS SA (2020-11).

    The TBIPS SA is an essential contract vehicle to hold if you wish to provide services to the Government of Canada in any of the IT professional services areas listed above.

    To qualify for TBIPS you must respond to and comply with the TBIPS Request for Supply Arrangement RFSA.

    By qualifying for the TBIPS SA, your firm becomes eligible to provide task-based services to the federal government for contracts valued over the CKFTA Threshold ($100,000 to December 31, 2021). There are two tiers for the TBIPS SA:

    • Tier 1: Contracts from $100,000 to $3,750,000
    • Tier 2: Contracts over $3,750,000

    The TBIPS SA is used for the provision of services on a best value basis, where technical and financial criteria are used to award contracts.

    Note that previously there was also a TBIPS Standing Offer. As of 2018, the Standing Offer has been discontinued and vendors may qualify only for a TBIPS Supply Arrangement.

    Highlights of the TBIPS RFSA
    The TBIPS RFSA was posted on February 22, 2017 and is currently open for bids. Bids are evaluated periodically and are due on the last day of the month in March, June, September and December.

    Key Requirements:

    • Three years in business
    • $250,000 in revenue in the previous fiscal year
    • Total Cumulative Value Billed in Informatics Service over the past three years:
      • SA Tier 1: $1.5 Million
      • SA Tier 2: $12 Million
    • A minimum number of substantiated categories (client contact only) for each stream proposed. A listing of the minimum number of categories for each stream is included in our TPC Overview – PWGSC TBIPS SA (2020-11).
    • Security clearance (prior to SA award)

    A proposal requires both an email submission (to be provided when requested) and the entry of data into the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS).

    Government of Canada Security Clearances
    In addition to the requirements noted above, suppliers need to obtain a minimum of a Designated Organization Screening (DOS) security clearance. This is an organization clearance, which is separate from personal security clearances.

    Suppliers may submit a bid for TBIPS without holding a security clearance, but will not be awarded a supply arrangement until their clearance is granted. As soon as possible (even before submitting a bid), suppliers who do not yet hold a DOS (or higher) organization clearance should request sponsorship from the TBIPS Authority to start the clearance process.

    [N.B. DOS organization clearance is essential for all firms providing services under government contracts, even for organizations who are subcontractors/independent contractors working for a larger firm]

    Other Related Contract Vehicles (ProServices, SBIPS)
    The following contract vehicles are closely related to the TBIPS SA:

    • ProServices SA: The ProServices Supply Arrangement is a mandatory procurement tool for most purchases of professional services under the CFTKA Threshold. The IT streams and categories included in the ProServices SA mirror the TBIPS SA.
    • SBIPS SA: This is the solutions-based companion to TBIPS, used when a client is seeking a complete solution from a vendor.  While task-based opportunities typically involve the government specifying the resource category and the effort allocated, Solutions typically involve a single vendor responsible for all aspects of the design and development of a standalone outcome-focused result.

    Please see our Primers for information on other Methods of Supply.

    Additional Information and Support
    We’re here to help! If you have any questions about the TBIPS SA, doing business with the federal government, or doing business with any public sector organization, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We would be very happy to answer your questions. We have even created a special package to support you with your submission. Contact Us today for more details.

    [ARCHIVED] NAFTA Threshold raised to $108,400 for 2020-2021

    February 17, 2020

    [ARCHIVED July 3, 2020 – This page will no longer be updated. Please see https://blog.theproposalcentre.ca//list-of-primers/ for current information on key Government of Canada and Government of Ontario contract vehicles.]

    The Government of Canada’s contracting policies and regulations are affected by numerous trade agreements that Canada has signed with other countries and even one between the provinces (the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)). Of all the agreements, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has the most significant impact on government procurement by dictating some of the terms governing how solicitations are run.

    From a services perspective, the threshold for the past two years has been $106,000.  Treasury Board has recently announced that for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the threshold will be $108,400, inclusive of taxes.

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    Access NATO Procurement Opportunities from BuyandSell

    October 4, 2019

    Buyandsell.gc.ca now lists procurement opportunities from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The NSPA procures CAD 6 billion (EUR 4 billion) worth of goods and services annually on behalf of NATO nations. Because Canada is a member of NATO, Canadian companies are eligible to bid on many of these opportunities. Currently, Canadian businesses provide about 1% of the total value of goods and services procured by NATO through the NSPA.

    All solicitations for procurement with an estimated value above CAD 120 000 (EUR 80 000) that are not for a restricted distribution are published on the NSPA eProcurement portal. Buyandsell will facilitate quick access to at least 500 opportunities of this nature annually.

    The NSPA uses three different types of notices:

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    Changes to Professional Services Supply Arrangement Tier 1/Tier 2 Thresholds

    August 29, 2019

    Treasury Board amended their Contracting Policy in 2019 to increase some of the contract value thresholds for goods, services and other procurement commodities. These changes affect several professional services supply arrangements (SA) including:

    The changes include:

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    Amendments to the Government of Canada’s Contracts Regulations

    August 17, 2019

    Amendments have been made to the federal Government Contracts Regulations effective June 10, 2019. The amendments are intended to modernize the threshold for soliciting bids for service and construction contracts, reduce the risk of corruption and collusion, and make a number of housekeeping amendments to mitigate the risk of confusion and misinterpretation with respect to the Regulations. The amendments and their explanations are detailed in the Canada Gazette.

    Increase to the Threshold for Sole-Sourced Bids

    The main takeaway for most suppliers is that the $25,000 threshold for soliciting bids for services and construction contracts was increased to $40,000. The increase to the threshold adjusts for inflation since 1996, when the threshold was last amended.

    As a result of the new threshold, sole-source services or construction contracts that are currently limited to $25,000 can be awarded for contract values up to $40,000. This enables government and suppliers to more easily do business together on these lower-dollar value contracts.

    Other thresholds are unaffected by this change. This includes the CFTKA threshold (formerly NAFTA threshold) and other trade agreements.

    Primer: PWGSC Temporary Help Services (THS) Supply Arrangement

    August 15, 2019

    The Government of Canada purchases professional services primarily through contract vehicles such as standing offers and supply arrangements. In some cases, the use of a standing offer or supply arrangement is mandatory.

    Temporary Help Services (THS) Supply Arrangement (SA): Qualify to provide Temporary Help Services in the National Capital (NCR) area [Open for bids indefinitely – Quarterly due dates: last business day of the month in March, June, September and December. The next due date is December 31, 2021.]

    The THS RFSA is for the provision of Temporary Help Services to any Canadian Government Department, Crown Corporation or Agency in the National Capital Area.

    Temporary Help Services (THS) are services that are provided by a supplier’s employee. There are only three situations in which Temporary Help Services can be used by Designated Users to fulfill their requirements:

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    [ARCHIVED] Primer: PWGSC TSPS Task-Based Standing Offer and Supply Arrangement

    July 12, 2019

    [ARCHIVED October 30, 2020 – This page will no longer be updated. Please see https://blog.theproposalcentre.ca//list-of-primers/ for current information on key Government of Canada and Government of Ontario contract vehicles.]

    The Government of Canada purchases professional services primarily through contract vehicles such as standing offers and supply arrangements. In some cases, the use of a standing offer or supply arrangement is mandatory.

    Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) Task-Based Standing Offer (SO) and Supply Arrangement (SA): Qualify for Contracts for Non-IT Professional Services [Closed]

    The TSPS Task-Based SO and TSPS Task-Based SA are two of several mandatory contract vehicles related to the provision of non-IT professional Services. The other related contract vehicles are the TSPS Solutions-Based SA and the ProServices SA.

    Task-based services generally involve the assignment of a resource or group of resources to complete a well-defined set of deliverables/responsibilities on a per diem basis.

    TSPS is organized according to the following streams (each containing multiple categories of resources):

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